Events or Activities at churches in the Fredericton Area.
Scroll down to view Special Events at churches in the Fredericton area. 
Special Events:

Please note all events will be listed for a specific time frame and deleted afterward.  Please re submit event information every year. 

ACTS - Atlantic Christian Today's Singles.

Click here to view activity for the group

This new ministry is certainly one that has been on the minds of many Christians around the world. 

Most churches are geared to minister to one or more of the following groups: to children, to youths, to college age people,  to seniors, to parents, to people going through a divorce etc. 

No churches has addressed this new ministry which is meant for fellowship among other single Christians from NB with the purpose of doing various activities as a group.

For more information contact Darlene at 455-9673 or 238-4010

Alpha Program:

List of Churches offering the Alpha Program

Bible Study:

List of Churches offering a Special Bible Study Program for general public invitation

CEF Home Outreach:

List of people from various churches  offering the CEF HomeOutreach for summer

Child Evangelism Outreach has a great program for Home Lawn Outreach.  Mostly run from a home rather than a church building. Great for an outreach for neighborhood kids, like a mini Vacation Bible Time .

Divorce Care:

List of Churches offering the Divorce Care Program

Divorce Care Program is being run by thousands of churches throughout the world.  DCP has had a huge positive impact on the lives of many who have gone through the program.  The Divorce Care Program has helped thousands of individuals to understand their emotions and better cope with the stress involved in going through a divorce. 

More and more are having to experience going through divorce.  If you or someone is going through a divorce why not contact  a church that is offering  the program.  You'll probably be glad you did.  It is a great support group with people who understand what your going through.  Take a positive step for yourself.

Filipino Page:

Click here to link to Philippine's website for Info

Click here for PRESS RELEASE: Fundraising event in support of Philippine Sendong flash floods 2012

Vacation Bible Time:

List of Churches offering a Vacation Bible Time Program for summer

Vacation Bible Time has been a program used by the majority of Brethren and Baptist churches and many other affiliation to reach kids for Christ. . 

Vacation Bible Time has been a key ingredient in getting kids saved and committed to Christ. 

Send us you Date and Time for your Vacation Bible Time.

Events at  Churches:
email me