Divorce Care:
List of Churches offering the Divorce Care Program in the Fredericton area.
Divorce Care Program is being run by thousands of churches throughout the world. DCP has had a huge positive impact on the lives of many who have gone through the program. The Divorce Care Program has helped thousands of individuals to understand their emotions and better cope with the stress involved in going through a divorce.
More and more are having to experience going through divorce. If you or someone is going through a divorce why not contact a church that is offering the program. You'll probably be glad you did. It is a great support group with people who understand what your going through. Take a positive step for yourself.
Grace Memorial Baptist Church
536 Northumberland Street
Fredericton, NB
458-8527 - office
Harland Cook, 459-7416 Divorce Care Leader
Special Recognition:
Grace Memorial Baptist Church .
"Grace Memorial's DivorceCare program has been ranked
by Church Initiative as one of the Top 100 in the 17
Northeastern United States and all of Canada. Church
Initiative of North Carolina produces DivorceCare and
provides ongoing support to DivorceCare leaders in 12,000
churches world wide."
Brunswick Street Baptist Church
Another church offering Divorce Care program.
Events or Activities at churches in the Fredericton Area.
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